Oliver KönigCoach training

Coach training

I am looking forward to offering the first Hephaistos coach training in the Rhine-Main area together with Simone Schieker from November 2025.

This is how Hephaistos describes the training:

Coaching is person-centred counselling for people in their professional role.

Coaching is an attitude, not a technique, and cannot be learnt simply by quickly teaching methods and applying them. We train you to become a coach, not a user of coaching tools!

A competent coach needs a high level of personal competence, which includes dealing appropriately with your own feelings and those of others. They need to be able to liaise well enough to maintain stable relationships even in difficult situations. Process competence, methodological knowledge, including psychological and psychotherapeutic knowledge, an understanding of organisations, hierarchies and leadership are also part of the basic tools of a coach.

Professional coach training must be broadly diversified and include knowledge transfer at various levels. Our coach training is characterised by an integrative approach, theoretical depth, high practical relevance, intensive personal support and, above all, the promotion of an individual working style of our participants. We do not create decals, we help originals to grow. This is also the reason why our training programme is significantly longer than most others on the market.

The coach training programme is divided into two parts – Coaching I (29 days) and Coaching II (20 days) – which conceptually form a unit, belong together and can only be booked together. In addition to the attendance days under our guidance, self-organised peer group work also takes place.

The main topics in Coaching I are

  • Knowledge of our integrative coaching concept of the 8 guiding processes
  • Developing the inner and outer presence that is a prerequisite for successful counselling.
  • Structure and different phases of the coaching process
  • Clarification of the assignment, initial discussions and contract work
  • Psychological concepts of change and stagnation phenomena
  • Theoretical concepts, methods and techniques in the field of coaching
  • Integrative forms and strategies of intervention
  • Diagnosis and intuition
  • Limits of coaching

The main topics in Coaching II are

  • Aligning your own style with the fundamental guiding processes that effect change
  • Psychodynamics of challenging clients (resistance, narcissistic managers, psychological crises, bullying, burnout)
  • Flexible handling of intervention techniques
  • System-theoretical understanding of leadership and organisation
  • Ethics and human image of the counsellor
  • Consolidation of one’s own professional identity
  • Conflict moderation
  • Forms of confrontation in coaching
  • Working with inner (destructive) representations
  • Concluding a coaching process

The coach training is recognised by the DBVC (Deutscher Bundesverband Coaching e.V.). Since 2020, the institute has also been a member of the IOBC (International Organisation for Business Coaching) and the institute can award graduates an international certificate with the IOBC logo and number.

The theoretical foundation is the meta-theory of change. Klaus Eidenschink developed the integrative counselling concept over many years and established it theoretically. Hephaistos presents the main features of this metatheory of change here. Many publications and texts can also be downloaded there.

You will receive detailed information about the coach training programme in a personal meeting to ensure that there is a good “fit” between what we like to teach and what you want to learn.

If you are interested, please contact me directly (info@oliver-koenig.net) or Hephaistos (info@hephaistos.org). I look forward to the exchange.



Course RM-1 (Start date: 17.11.2024)

  • 17.-20.11.2025
  • 28.-30.01.2026
  • 11.-13.03.2026
  • 06.-08.05.2026
  • 17.-19.06.2026
  • 09.-11.09.2026
  • 04.-06.11.2026
  • 27.-29.01.2027
  • 01.-04.03.2027

The further dates for Coaching II are:

  • 26.-28.04.2027
  • 16.-18.06.2027
  • 22.-24.09.2027
  • 17.-19.11.2027
  • 25.-28.01.2028
  • 07.-10.03.2028

Information about the training

Information and costs for Coaching I

29 days in total.

Location: Seminar centres in the Rhine-Main region


For self-payers: EUR 10,800 plus VAT (incl. all training documents, excl. accommodation and meals)

For company payers: EUR 13,500 plus VAT (incl. all training documents, excl. accommodation and catering)

Overnight stay in the seminar house is obligatory.

Information and costs for Coaching II

20 days in total.

Location: Seminar centres in the Rhine-Main region


For self-payers: EUR 8,900 plus VAT (incl. all training documents, excl. accommodation and meals)

For company payers: EUR 11,800 plus VAT (incl. all training documents, excl. accommodation and catering)

Overnight stay in the seminar centre is obligatory.

I will gladly get in touch with you.

Simply leave your contact details.