In the rat race of the daily management routine, managers can lose sight of the fundamentals. Having to react quickly and effectively to crises under pressure and deliver a high level of performance at the same time leads to exhaustion, constant stress and the inability to react to the current challenge in an open and present manner. Added to this is the constant visibility and simultaneous loneliness for managers at top or middle level. The basis for their own actions – leading themselves – often falls by the wayside. My Leadership Labs offer a space to focus on self-leadership and to grow as a leader.
Guidance on an equal footing
In my Leadership Labs, I act as a guide for personal development processes. There is a safe framework for this, outside of everyday management life, in which managers can reflect on themselves. Through dialogue and encounters with other managers, new perspectives and opportunities for self-awareness open up. My labs are designed in such a way that each participant has the opportunity to better understand their own patterns and needs and to further develop their individual leadership style in an authentic way. I focus on self-awareness and consciousness development. We work together on personal development issues of individual participants and learn together through careful process reflection. This creates an intensive process in which I make the hidden visible and support the exploration of uncertain new territory.
Leadership Labs: A breeding ground for modern leadership
through personal growth
Different topics - always focussing on personal development:
I will support you with the following laboratory topics:

Coaching Competences for Executives
Leading dialogues - guiding others in open processes - being more aware of yourself and others

Men as leaders
Developing identity - recognising diversity - sharpening career prospects

Personality Development and Resilience for Managers - Basics
Recognising patterns - perceiving needs - developing your own management style

Personality Development and Resilience for Managers - Intensive
Dealing with insecurity and uncomfortable emotions - experiencing resonance in encounters - strengthening body awareness

Personality Development and Resilience for Managers - Self-awareness
Focussing on personal development - dealing with inner experience - maturing
Important aspects of collaboration:
Where do the Leadership Labs take place?
Especially outside the organisation. In places that inspire creative thinking, heartfelt encounters and powerful decision-making. It is important that the participants get out of their familiar surroundings and find themselves in a place where they can encounter themselves and others in a new way.
I am happy to provide you with my recommendations for such places within Germany.
What is important for a successful start?
I always design the exact setup together with you and customise the labs to suit your situation.
I usually start by finding the right composition of participants for you. For the leadership labs mentioned above, the following has proven to be successful:
- Executives from upper or middle management who do not have joint leadership responsibility
- Potential leaders who are currently developing into middle management
- Internationally assembled
We also look at the challenging situations in your organisation and align the content of the labs accordingly.
Depending on the size of the leadership lab, I bring in trusted advisors.
How does the design of a Leadership Lab look like?
The workshop design is often developed in co-creation with you. It is important to know that every Leadership Lab lives primarily from the situational work on the topics brought in by the participants. I moderate the process, provide feedback and introduce methods that suit the group dynamics. This makes every leadership lab a unique learning process in which everyone will learn something.
Which methods do I work with?
My approach in Leadership Labs is based on methods from group dynamics, theme-centred interaction, peer counselling, supervision, liberating structures, agile tools, systemic coaching, transactional analysis and mediation.
In addition to the methods, I concentrate on the common focus for the major topics, personal resonance and contact between the participants and myself.
What theoretical background do I use?
I orientate myself fundamentally on the metatheory of change by Klaus Eidenschink.
For the coherent processing of your topics, I use my knowledge and experience with the following approaches:
- Coaching skills for managers
- Gestalt, schema and hypnosystemic approaches
- Transactional analytical and systemic coaching
- Emotion-focused, body and mindfulness-orientated methods (many years of Zen and mindfulness practice)
- Men as leaders
- Being a man in a changing world
- Identity and personality issues
- Leadership role and career perspectives
- Personality development for managers
- Psychodynamics and driver concepts
- Resilience and stress competence
- Introvision and personal coaching
In addition while working on topics, all labs always focus on group dynamics, the quality of relationships with each other and joint focus formation.
- Coaching skills for managers
In which language are Leadership Labs held?
I speak German and English.
I have worked with clients from various industries and company sizes:
Bischof + Klein
funk / SWR
Internationaler Bund
Mehler Engineered Products
Radio Bremen
Rehau Group / Meraxis
Schnellecke Logistics
Stadt Nürnberg
in collaboration with co-operation partners
I will gladly get in touch with you.
Simply leave your contact details.